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Escorte de lux

Topul oraselor cu cele mai sexy si frumoase Escorte de lux din Romania. Aici gasesti femei care fac sex pe bani sau din placere.ro. Femei singure si frumoase din Romania cu poze si numar de telefon. Femei mature care vor o relatie bazata pe sex. Dame de companie si prostituate din Arad, Brasov, Prahova, Galati, Bihor, Constanta...

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Escorte din Bucuresti

Bucuresti Bucuresti

5.0 Rating

Escorte din Cluj

Cluj Cluj-Napoca

4.9 Rating

Escorte din Iasi

Iasi Iasi

4.9 Rating

Escorte de lux - Dame de companie

Femei care fac sex pe bani - Escorte profesioniste - Curve de lux - Femei frumoase si sexy


25 ani - Bucuresti

Hello My name is Adela, I am young sweet, warm, beautiful and friendly independent escort-girl, based in Bucharest, who is waiting to delight you... I am very sexy with a gorgeous natural body, a bright personality and I’m perfect for a gentleman who cares to be lavished with genuine attention, affection and stimulating conversation. I am caring and down-to-earth, with a great sense of fun and adventure. I'm the lady that will fulfill your dreams… I will do my best to make our meeting a memorable one, for both of us. I assure you the pictures are real.

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20 ani - Cluj

Buna domnilor.... sunt o fata discreta finuta eleganta si mereu atenta la cerintele clientilor mei... ofer servicii ireprosabile si garantez revenirea... te astept intr-un ambient relaxant si discret... nu ezita sa ma cunosti... locatie de lux... kiss you

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21 ani - Cluj

Blonda dulce si senzuala,atenta la cerintele tale, te invit la mine domn manierat sa-ti ofer cele mai bune servicii de companie intr-un ambient discret si placut. daca esti un domn caruia ii place atmosfera atunci suna-ma si nu vei regreta.poze reale garantat selectiva nu rasp la nr privat si sms uri

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19 ani - Bucuresti

Sexy young woman with sensual shapes, erotic and very passionate, I offer escort service to generous gentlemen. If you have fantasies that you want to experience, now you have the chance to fulfill them, even some unusual fantasies... ask me if I can offer you want you want to try. I am a very open-minded girl! Pictures are real and recent - taken at the middle of October 2015.

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24 ani - Targoviste

Vino sa facem dragoste ca in filme, sa fiu escorta pe care ti-ai dorit-o intotdeauna, sa ai parte de cea mai buna partida . Sunt o fata intelegatoare si prietenoasa. Doresc seriozitate. Te astept sa te convingi ca pozele sunt reale. Pentru barbati educati si curati.

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25 ani - Bucuresti

Hi! I'm Alexa, independent escort in Bucharest - Romania, a young lady with a beautiful slim body, 172 cm tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, big breasts. I love to please and be pleased, I'm bubbly, warm, fun and I am often complimented I am very beautiful. I am tender, as well very passionate and I am guilty of having great appetite for naughty games. I love romantic and sensual dates, unforgettable moments, hours full of passion where all fantasies become real. I'm available incall & outcall. I always treat my guests with respect, hygiene and discretion are also important to me - I offer and expect the same in return. My pictures are real and very recent - October 2015!

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25 ani - Craiova

Buna sunt Maria forme apetisante ofer senzatii tari de neuitat poze 100 reale te astept in locatia mea pentru clipe de neuitat fara regrete

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22 ani - Cluj

Azi am ajuns in Cluj,sunt o blonda frumoasa,noua in domeniu ,am 21 de ani ,la mine poti gasi linistea de care ai nevoie,sunt o fire rabdatoare ,sunt intr o locatie de lux curata ,pentru mai multe detalii astept apelul tau.

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